Bosch Intrusion
Basic Functions
To Arm Your System "All On" (Away Mode):
Make sure all zones (doors, windows, ...) are closed.
Type in your code followed by "enter" key. (ex: 1234 ENT )
If any zones are opened, they keypad will sound an error tone after hitting the enter key. This is to let you know that you are about to "Force Arm" the system.
To force arm the system, continue hitting the enter button as the display shows each opened zone.
To Disarm Your System:
With the system in the armed state, simply -
Type in your code followed by "enter" key. (ex: 1234 ENT )
And the system will be disarmed.
Changing your code:
To change your code, Hit the "Command" Key followed by 55.
Then, Enter your old code, followed by your new code and enter twice. For example, to change your code from 1234 to 4321:
CMD 55
1234 ENT
4321 ENT
4321 ENT
Other Useful Codes:
CMD 3 Part On (Arm Stay)
CMD 6 Watch Mode -- Toggles Chime Mode On/Off
CMD 0 Bypass Zones
CMD 00 UnBypass Zones
CMD 4 Silence Trouble Tones
CMD 0 Bypass Zones
CMD 45 Set Time/Date
CMD 41 Send Test Report
CMD 44 Walk Test The System
To clear Alarm Silenced Messages key in your code and press the "esc" key. (ex. 1234 ESC )